New features at ClickMeeting. Learn about the latest features and upgrades

Below you will find a list of the most important changes to our product that are now available to all ClickMeeting customers.

If you want to find out what we are currently working on, visit this article.


AI recording transcription

The new AI transcription will allow you to download a text transcript of your event recording after the event directly from your account panel. The transcript will be enriched with timestamps, greatly increasing its number of uses.

With AI technology, you get access to a high-quality transcript that you can, among other things:

  • Send to event participants to make it easier for them to search for information,
  • Use external tools to place as subtitles on the recording and prepare their translations,
  • Use to create additional content, such as articles or emails,
  • Use in other AI tools, for example, automating content creation and analysis.

Here you can read how to create an AI transcription of your recordings.


Floating video and audio window

During your events, you can use the picture-in-picture feature. All you have to do is detach the video window with this button:

You will see a floating video and audio window with no need to use an external monitor. You can freely move it around to simultaneously see, for example, the shared material and the meeting attendees, or use other programs or browser tabs during the event without worrying about losing contact with other attendees.

For more information about the floating window, visit this page.


New chat in the event room

We have introduced a new version of chat available in the event room. What does it offer?

  • New design and editing tools: you can use different text input and editing modes, such as bold and italic text or bullets. By the way, the chat room simply looks much better.
  • Create quick surveys: a few clicks are all it takes to get the opinion of attendees and display the results in the chat.
  • Manage Q&A session in the chat settings window: you will find Q&A session settings directly in the chat settings window. Of course, attendees would leave questions there, so you can answer them later.
  • Upload files: instantly share important files with your attendees directly in the chat window.


Broadcasting events on LinkedIn

Want to scale up and reach experts interested in the topics you cover? From now on you can broadcast your events on LinkedIn! Remember that it is also possible to broadcast on Facebook or YouTube.

You can read more about streaming your events on social media here.


Whiteboard library

Save the status of your whiteboards in the whiteboard library and come back to edit them later. You can use them together with attendees at various webinars and meetings, duplicate, as well as export and share with your audience.


Virtual whiteboard update

We have improved the operation of the virtual whiteboard. Among other things, added a feature to track the presenter’s location and a minimap to make it easier to navigate the whiteboard.

“Sound only” mode

Any user who has problems with the connection quality can instantly solve the issue without losing the ability to listen and speak during the event. All they have to do is use the “Sound Only” option, which they can find directly in the settings tab in the event room.

You can read more about the “sound only” mode here.

Integrations with TikTok Pixel and LinkedinInsight Tag

You’ll get more insights about your users and target them with remarketing ads on TikTok or LinkedIn. For more information, see this page.

Integration with Cookie Script

With Cookie Script, you can manage cookies on your ClickMeeting pages.

Improved integration with Google Analytics and Meta Pixel

From now on, a registration event has become available for both Google Analytics and the Meta platform, which will be automatically sent to the integrated advertising and analytics systems. Measuring conversions and optimizing campaigns will be much simpler.

Read how to integrate ClickMeeting with Google Analytics step by step.

New AV Tester

We have expanded the functions of our audio-video tester. Before the start of an event, you can check, among other things, how the image will look in 16:9 aspect ratio, mirror image or with a virtual background. The button layout has also changed – it’s another interface revision that makes ClickMeeting even more intuitive and convenient.

Access to Pexels

We’ve replaced the Unsplash library available so far with Pexels. Thus, you have thousands of image files at your disposal to make your events even more visually appealing.

Integration with Stripe

Organizing paid webinars and monetizing knowledge sharing just got easier! We have launched integration with Stripe – the most popular online payment system.

By integrating ClickMeeting with Stripe, you and your participants gain:

  • Secure and fast payments from anywhere in the world
  • Payments in different currencies
  • Support for various payment methods, including gift cards
  • Easy payment management and flexible billing models.

For more information about Stripe and the integration, visit this page.


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